Interdisciplinary nodes to favor the systematization of statistical content in Physical Culture students


  • Enilda Mariselis Jorrín Carbó
  • Danay Quintana Rodríguez
  • Juan Gustavo Kessel Rodríguez


teaching, learning and interdisciplinary nodes


The use of statistical content for the Bachelor of Physical Culture, has great practical significance in his area of ​​professional performance, its application brings rigor and scientific to the sports field, but they are also necessary to fulfill the social mandate of the University in the 21st century, to give answers to problems that arise and transform the environment. A proposal to develop statistical knowledge in students is that each teacher, when establishing interdisciplinary relationships, guides its application from their discipline, since it is part of the professional skills that the graduate must achieve. The article aims to identify interdisciplinary nodes to favor the systematization of statistical content in students of the Bachelor of Physical Culture. This made it possible to carry out different actions in the teaching-learning process (PEA), from the disciplines of the Exercise of the Profession of the teaching process plan and during the training process. The historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional method, the survey, interview and document review are used. As a result, it is possible to identify and classify interdisciplinary nodes to favor the systematization of statistical content in Physical Culture students and obtain superior results in their systematization and learning.


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How to Cite

Jorrín Carbó, E. M. ., Quintana Rodríguez, D., & Kessel Rodríguez, J. G. . (2022). Interdisciplinary nodes to favor the systematization of statistical content in Physical Culture students. Atenas, 4(60), 153–170. Retrieved from