University educational research in Latin America. Analysis of bibliometric variables


  • Jorge Luis Romero Chacín
  • Rosario Mireya Romero Parra
  • Luis Andrés Barboza Arenas


educational research, scientific production, socialization of science


Research represents the basis of scientific knowledge, therefore, in universities that are generators of this, it is essential to give a relevant role to scientific research. In this sense, research in Higher Education helps to improve the areas of knowledge, because it allows to establish contact with reality. Objective: To analyze bibliometric variables of educational journals indexed in Redalyc between 2015 - 2020 and their impact on university educational research. Methods: The present research was of a descriptive documentary type, with documentary design, the data of the bibliometric variables of the Latin American journals were acquired from the official portal of Redalyc. Results: The country with the highest number of scientific education journals indexed in Redalyc is Brazil with a total of 32 journals, followed by Colombia with a total of 15 and Mexico with 14 journals. It should be noted that, the number of journals indexed in Redalyc in the other countries are below five journals. Conclusions: Scientific production and dissemination is elementary for the nations and the areas to which they correspond, consequently, the relevance of scientific journals is in correspondence with the guidelines of progress of the nations.


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How to Cite

Romero Chacín, J. L. ., Romero Parra, R. M. ., & Barboza Arenas, L. A. . (2022). University educational research in Latin America. Analysis of bibliometric variables . Atenas, 3(59), 1–16. Retrieved from