Educational scientific activity: base of Science, Technology and Innovation System in the Ministry of Educational


  • Yuliannela Boza Oramas
  • Mercedes Keeling Alvarez


educational scientific activity, educational research, Science, Technology and Innovation System.


The article addresses from a materialistic dialectical approach the fundamental stages through which educational scientific activity has crossed as the basis of the Science, Technology and Innovation System in the Ministry of Education. It aims to highlight the main regularities that characterize the historical course of educational scientific activity in Cuba. It took into account the facts and institutions linked to educational research, its forms of organization and bases, taken as a criterion of analysis. Methods were used: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and documentary analysis. The accrual of this activity is presented as a result. The assumed steps allow an approximation to its historical process; hence, the importance of its systematic improvement as a tool of leadership in educational institutions, so that the main educational transformations are in compliance with the dynamics of the socio-educational processes that take place in them.


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How to Cite

Boza Oramas, Y. ., & Keeling Alvarez, M. . (2021). Educational scientific activity: base of Science, Technology and Innovation System in the Ministry of Educational. Atenas, 1(53), 54–70. Retrieved from