The local pedagogical tradition and the use of ICT in the training of educators


  • Emma Medina Carballosa
  • Rudy Avila Figueredo
  • Adalys Grisell Palomo Alemán
  • Martha María González Rodríguez


local pedagogical tradition, pedagogical professional identity, multimedia.


This study was aimed at rescuing local pedagogical traditions, in order of stimulating the formation of a professional identity. The approximation to the educational performance of teachers from Báguanos municipality by students from the Major in Elementary Education from Holguin University located in that region is the platform used. To accomplish such goal, a series of educational actions are devised and their feasibility is corroborated by means of an eight-year-experience systematization. The results obtained allowed the modeling of a method and a multimedia product that offer an alternative to arise the feeling of belonging regarding the profession of teachers.


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How to Cite

Medina Carballosa, E., Avila Figueredo, R. ., Palomo Alemán, A. G. ., & González Rodríguez, M. M. . (2019). The local pedagogical tradition and the use of ICT in the training of educators. Atenas, 2(46), 142–157. Retrieved from