Validation of the content of an instrument for educational quality through the AIDOVA instructional methodology


  • Leticia Montoya-López
  • Luis Gibran Juárez-Hernández


Rubrics socioformative, Instructional design, Educational quality, Distance education.


The analysis of the content validity of the "ADOIVA socioformative rubric" instrument was carried out through the review of three experts, the expert judgment and the application to a pilot group. The experts approved the dimensions and elements, made observations of improvement in syntax and writing. In the judgment, all the elements of the instrument (elements, indicators and performance levels) were validated according to the criteria of relevance and writing (V>0.80, ICI> 0.50). The pilot group showed an excellent degree of understanding of the instructions and the elements. It is concluded that the items and aspects of the instrument are indicators of what is intended to be measured.


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How to Cite

Montoya-López, L. ., & Gibran Juárez-Hernández, . L. . (2019). Validation of the content of an instrument for educational quality through the AIDOVA instructional methodology. Atenas, 3(47), 52–69. Retrieved from