Paulo Freire and the higher education that Latin America needs


  • Victoria Ojalvo Mitrany


Critical pedagogy, dialogue, political commitment of education, ethics of education.


The objective of this article is to highlight the importance of Paulo Freire's work for higher education. From the study of his work and that of several authors who endorse his legacy, several thematic axes are analyzed to achieve a transformative university education. The political and ethical commitment of education and educators, the importance of dialogue as a way of social emancipation and personal training, a new pedagogical conception, critical pedagogy, which integrates a transformative vision of society and education proved to be relevant for the training of professionals that the region needs.


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How to Cite

Ojalvo Mitrany, V. . (2020). Paulo Freire and the higher education that Latin America needs. Atenas, 2(50), 1–16. Retrieved from