Contemporary challenges of educational training. The need for a complex educational model


  • José Félix García Rodríguez
  • Germán Martínez Prats
  • Enrique Roberto Peralta Mazariego


Education, Graduation Profile, Complex Thinking, Educational Reform.


There is currently a generalized crisis in the economy, society, family and the environment, with consumerism, mercantilism and the loss of values, aspects directly or indirectly linked to the training and graduation profile contained in educational models. Training men of science and humanistic cultural awareness is a primary task that education should assume as a method and practice. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the urgency of an educational reform with a complex approach that forms graduates capable of facing life's challenges in the 21st century. It was found that in the context of globalization and neoliberal economics, the education provided in our countries does not prepare graduates for life, since current educational models suffer from a holistic, cultural and complex context. The current educational paradigms, positivist and reductionist, instruct, but do not train or educate. Thus, the complex, holistic and cultural sense of education is absent, and its disciplinary nature turns education into a science that divides and disjoints, and the integral apprehension of nature, society and culture does not reach the student as a whole systemic.


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How to Cite

García Rodríguez, J. F., Martínez Prats, G., & Peralta Mazariego, E. R. . (2022). Contemporary challenges of educational training. The need for a complex educational model. Atenas, 4(52), 194–207. Retrieved from