The quality of basic education: meanings from teaching practice


  • Luis Alan Acuña Gamboa
  • Leticia Pons Bonals


educational quality, basic education, educational policy, teaching practices.


In this paper, the authors contrast the definitions of educational quality that are established in the documents that guide the Mexican educational policy, which is based on discourses from International Organizations, with that constructed by the teachers of a scholar zone located in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. Following an interpretative research approach, the authors analyze information obtained through various techniques: a documentary analysis, observations in schools, the application of questionnaires and interviews (applied to teachers both individual and collectively). It is then concluded that the distance between these definitions is concentrated in the purposes attributed to the improvement of education.


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How to Cite

Acuña Gamboa, L. A. ., & Pons Bonals, L. (2018). The quality of basic education: meanings from teaching practice. Atenas, 1(41), 1–17. Retrieved from