The understanding of argumentative texts in students of degree of a colombian public university


  • Maira Alejandra Pulgarín Rodríguez


actings, understanding, argumentative texts, reading levels.


In this article they are picked up the main result of a study on actings of understanding of the students of the programs of Degree argumentative texts in Basic Education, they offer the results of a qualitative study of descriptive character on the development of the argument in the administration of knowledge in the superior education. The necessity of appropriation of the argumentative speeches was verified for the professional qualification. The investigation was focused in contrastive analysis of the actings of understanding of students' of Degree argumentative texts in Education in a Colombian public university.


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How to Cite

Pulgarín Rodríguez, M. A. . (2018). The understanding of argumentative texts in students of degree of a colombian public university. Atenas, 2(42), 32–47. Retrieved from