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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The maximum length is 15 pages. Letter type sheet. Arial font at 12 points, writing with a space and a half between lines (1.5), with 2.5 cm lateral margins, including bibliographical references. The sheet should not be enclosed in any type of frame. Neither headers nor footers will be inserted.
  • The text will be sent through the submission platform written in Microsoft Word for Microsoft and Apple or for Windows and Mac Os.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined in the Directrices del autor/a, that appear in About the journal.

Author Guidelines

This digital journal is published by the Faculty of Education of the University of Matanzas, Cuba.

ATENAS Mission: Disseminate the most outstanding results of research in the educational sector and relevant experiences in the work of education, from initial level to higher education.

We assume the continuous publication consistent with the philosophy of Open Science.

Only unpublished papers will be accepted, papers under evaluation by other journals will not be accepted either.

Atenas will process these types of publications:

  • Research results articles results
  • Essays
  • Interviews
  • Book reviews

Research articles and Essays will be subjected to peer arbitration.

The manuscripts must be sent through the delivery platform available at Microsoft Word for Microsoft and Apple or for Windows and Mac Os. It can also be sent directly to the editor of this journal.

IMPORTANT: Some English and Portuguese language papers will be accepted, evaluated and published in each issue. Spanish language papers will prevail. Articles directly related to the specific journal currents topics are preferred in all cases.


Atenas editorial team provides a template that can be helpful for paper writing. Download template here.

Articles maximum length is 15 pages. Letter-type sheet. 12-point Arial font. One and a half space between lines (1.5), and side margins of 2.5 cm, including bibliographic references. The sheet should not be enclosed in any type of frame. Neither headers nor footer are allowed.

Papers must be written without indentation and without or spaces between paragraphs.

The use of bullet points must be minimized.

Original manuscripts first page must be headed by the title, written in bold centered low case, not exceeding 15 words. This title must appear in Spanish, English and Portuguese languages, followed by type of article you are applying for. Ex: Assay

Author information. Authors (limited to four) full name(s) and surname(s), will be written followed by authors institutions and email addresses. The ORCID Identifier is also required. those not having it may register by accessing this link:

Abstract. Spanish, English and Portuguese languages structured summaries not exceeding 200 words for each paper are required. What should ATENAS structured abstract contain?

Aim (Objective).




Keywords. From three to five Spanish, English and Portuguese keywords must be declared for each paper, to facilitate the thematic analysis and the location of the papers in international indices, according to the descriptors established by the Thesaurus of the UNESCO, available at:

Research Papers must produce results reflecting state of the art scientific advances mainly in the educational field. Methodology and investigation instruments must be clearly exposed. Theoretical basis or foundation must be deeply discussed, explaining the achieved results and their analysis. The structure of these Papers will be: Introduction, Methodology and methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions. Research Paper should never have less than 20 references from up-to-date sources, especially from high-impact journals. Approximately 60% of the referred sources must be within the last 5 years.

The journal editorial board reserves the right to request them,

The essays are in-depth and widely documented scientific reviews and reflections on current issues in the educational field. Each essay must demonstrate the personal judgment of the author or authors. The recommended structure for the essays includes: Introduction, Development and Conclusions, subtitles are allowed, when necessary, in the expository structure of essays.  It is also important a broad and up to date theoretical support. Download template here.

Authors who are commissioned to write an essay are not obliged to present the structured abstract, however, in this case it must contain, precisely, the topic being addressed, the objective of the Paper, as well as the main results and conclusions presented.

The interviews should provide ideas and contents of relevant personalities in the field of educational sciences corresponding with the main subjects of each issue. For this type of contributions, the following particular guidelines are indicated:

  • The minimum length will be 4 pages and the maximum length 8 pages.
  • The title of the interview also follows the rule of not exceeding the maximum 15 words and will also contain its corresponding versions in English and Portuguese.
  • The name of the interviewee will be written under the title, followed by the name of interviewer, his institution and his email
  • It will include as an introduction a block between 100 and 200 words that will contain the most outstanding data of the professional life and the work of the interviewee.
  • The questions will be written in bold and without numbering.
  • The interview must include a photo of the featuring person.

Book reviews must include the bibliographic description of the work and an image of its cover, the name and institution of the person making the contribution must appear at the end. The book reviews should not exceed two pages. For this section ATENAS offers two ways:

  1. Reviews are received on a text of significance for education sciences, in this case the review will be sent along with the book in its digital or printed version.
  2. Authors who wish to make proposals for books to be reviewed can send them in digital format to the journal's email, or they can send the printed book to the Editorial Committee of ATENAS, at the address indicated below. In this case, a member of the Editorial Committee writes the review.

The editorial team of the ATENAS journal regularly declares thematic subjects that will be preferred each number/volume; however, ATENAS thematic lines of general interest are the following:

  • Educational sciences
  • Teaching of the different disciplines. (From the sciences and humanities)
  • Investigation methodology
  • ICT-mediated education
  • Environmental, sexual and health education
  • Initial and permanent training of the professional in Higher Education.
  • Initial and permanent training of the education professional for the different educational levels and from all types of training.
  • Evaluation of the quality of education, with special reference to the evaluation and accreditation of Higher Education
  • Initial education, preschool education and special education. Artistic education
  • Results of historical and comparative studies of education. Actual Current trends.


Bibliographic citations will follow the presentation standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its 7th edition. Likewise, the ordering and description of each source in the list of references will be governed by this bibliographic standard. The editorial team prepared an instruction manual for working with the 7th edition of the APA standard, that may be downloaded for authors use. Necessary details and examples are provided.

Download the instructions for working with the 7th edition of the APA standard here.


The ATENAS Editorial Committee reviews the Papers in the first instance to verify that the received submission abides to the rules for authors. The works that do not comply with these indications will not be accepted. Authors will receive a response to this part of the process in no less than 30 days.

In the event that it does not fit the themes (subject), they will be permanently rejected.

The Papers that conform abides to the norms will be sent later anonymously to relevant external evaluators (peer review) according to their specialty, applying the “double-blind” system, A report on the relevance, timeliness; as well as the scientific nature (relevance or contributions to educational theory and / or practice) of the content of the article will be made. ATENAS expects this evaluation process by experts be finished within two months.

The experts will report one of these three categories: Accepted; Not accepted; or, Accepted with observations or remarks (In this case, recommendations to the authors must be solved within one month).

If there is disparity in the judgments of the two selected experts, the evaluation of a third party will be appealed.

In no case will correspondence be maintained on rejected originals or on the original evaluation process.



The Editorial Committee of the Journal is not responsible for the opinions of the authors or their scientific judgments. Acceptance of the work for publication implies that the printing and reproduction rights will be owned by ATENAS journal.

Once each volume is published, ATENAS allows authors to post their paper on its website or institutional repository, preferably in its editorial version, without profit and mentioning the original source.


Journal contact:

Editor: M. Sc. Noel Oliva Gómez. Email:

Deputy editor: Dr. C. Alfredo Lázaro Marín Pérez. Email:

Director: Dr. C. Elmys Escribano Hervis. Email:  


Política de sección por defecto


The interviews must provide ideas and content from relevant personalities in the field of educational sciences and that correspond to the theme that predominates in each issue. For this type of contribution, the following particular guidelines are indicated:


  • The minimum extension will be 4 pages and the maximum extension 8 pages.
  • The title of the interview also adheres to the rule of not exceeding a maximum of 15 words and will also have its corresponding versions in English and Portuguese.
  • The name of the interviewee will be written below the title.
  • Below the name of the interviewee, the name of the interviewer, the institution to which he belongs and his email address will be written.
  • It will include as an introduction a block between 100 and 200 words that will contain the most outstanding data of the professional work and the work of the interviewee.
  • Questions will be written in bold and without numbering.
  • You must include a photo of the interviewee.


Book reviews must include the bibliographic description of the work and an image of its cover. At the end, the name and the institution of origin of the person making the contribution must be placed. Reviews should not exceed two pages. For this section ATENAS offers two routes:

      1. Reviews are received on some text of significance for the educational sciences, in this case the review will be sent accompanied by the book in its digital or printed version.
      2. Authors who wish to make book proposals to be reviewed can send them in digital format to the journal's email, or they can send the printed book to the Editorial Committee of the ATENAS Journal, at the address indicated below. In this case, a member of the Editorial Committee

Ejemplos de palabras clave y temas para los autores/as:

Education, inclusive education, diversity, continuing education, evaluation of the quality of education, educational research methodology, science teaching methodology, Mathematics teaching methodology, humanities teaching methodology, school learning , direction of the learning process, initial and continuous teacher training, teacher performance, evaluation of teacher performance, environmental education, health education, sexual education, artistic education, initial education, special education, educational innovation, creativity, education of creativity, education in values, pedagogy, critical pedagogy, educational technology, education mediated by ICT, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, multiculturalism, complexity, community project, poverty and exclusion.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.