About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Atenas Journal is a specialized scientific-pedagogical publication, designed so that researchers, academics, students and other social actors that make up the educational professional sector remain linked with related areas, both in Cuba, Latin America and in the rest of the world. It is an ideal medium for them to publish the results of their research and other documents related to their scientific work. It is registered under ISSN 1682-2749 and RNPS 1682.


Manage the quality publication of the Atenas Journal, from the University of Matanzas, with hardworking, competent and responsible human capital, which contributes to satisfying the information and scientific dissemination needs of education professionals and other related sectors, in Cuba. and in the world, applying advanced technologies, which contribute to the sustainable development of the nation.


We are the Atenas Journal, from the University of Matanzas, which combines quality with excellence in carrying out information and dissemination processes towards the national and international scientific community. Its human capital stands out for its high performance, commitment and responsible application of technologies, which favor the sustainable development of the country and positively impact Cuban education.

Scope and objectives

Atenas is a scientific-pedagogical journal that aims to publish relevant results of research in the field of education and sciences that study these processes and their interactions in a complex way. It covers all educational levels (Initial Education, Middle and Higher Secondary Education, and Higher Education), in particular, it is interested in what refers to the initial and continuous training of teachers.

Each nominated article must conform to the standards established for the typologies accepted by the journal, which are: original articles, essays, interviews and bibliographic reviews.

Atenas publishes the title, summary and keywords for all works in Spanish, English and Portuguese, the complete article is published in one of the three languages that will correspond to the one sent by the author.

Open access policy

Atenas journal is financed by the University of Matanzas, Cuba. Atenas does not apply article processing charges (APC), this means that editing and publishing contributions are completely free for authors. This journal does not offer subscription.

Atenas provides immediate open access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, contributing to the socialization of science and the exchange of knowledge worldwide.

Open access and reuse

Athens is governed by the open access policy in the reception, processing and distribution of content completely free of charge, as previously stated.

We clarify that in accordance with the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science (2021), Athens is in favor of providing free access, interoperability and reuse of research data. We quote the UNESCO document, whose position we share:

Open research data, including, but not limited to, raw and processed digital and analog data and accompanying metadata, as well as numerical indices, textual records, images and sounds, protocols, analysis codes and workflows that They can be used, reused, preserved and redistributed openly by anyone, as long as there is acknowledgment. Open research data is made available in a timely manner, in a user-friendly format, readable and modifiable by humans and machines, in accordance with the principles of good data governance and management, primarily the FAIR (Findable, Accessible) principles, Interoperable and Reusable), supported by periodic conservation and maintenance work. (pp. 9-10).

Our policy is consistent with the open access philosophy of increasing the visibility, distribution and impact of content. We extend to our authors this spirit of openness in relation to the data and results generated in the investigative processes.

Atenas permanently manages the expansion of indexing in databases of different nature and scope, as well as its recognition and registration in catalogues, indexes and libraries in different regions of the planet.

Thematic lines

  • Educational sciences
  • Teaching of different disciplines. (Of the sciences and humanities)
  • Investigation methodology
  • ICT-mediated education, including the impact of Artificial Intelligence on education.
  • Environmental, sexual and health education
  • Initial and ongoing training of professionals in Higher Education.
  • Initial and ongoing training of education professionals for different educational levels and from all types of training.
  • Evaluation of the quality of education, with special reference to the evaluation and accreditation of Higher Education
  • Initial education, preschool education and special education. Artistic education
  • Results of historical and comparative studies of education. Actual trends.

The population that Athens addresses includes educational researchers, teachers of different educational levels and popular educators, as well as specialists in educational sciences and students.

Athens promotes the policy of open science and free access. We identify and appreciate the value of respect for diversity, equity and inclusion. We base the decision to publish on academic merit. The origin of the manuscript is not important, including the nationality, ethnicity, politics, race or religion of the authors. The management of policies to promote inclusion is an essential part of the journal's actions, independent of any type or practice of exclusion.

Publication frequency: Continuous. (From January 5 to December 20)

Athens adheres to the San Francisco Declaration on Scientific Assessment (DORA).

Article evaluation process

Initial review

The articles initially undergo the supervision of the Editorial Committee, which assesses compliance with the rules for authors, as well as adjustment to the topics in the call. It will also take into account the quality of the metadata and the functional ORCID identifier (data on all authors complete), and that the complementary files are present (publication authorization letter, letter of ethical principles and originality form).

Peer Review

The editor, upon approval of the proposal to begin the editorial process, will assign its review to a pair of referees, under one of the following selected modalities, according to the authors' declaration:

  • Double blind: the evaluators ignore the identity of the authors and vice versa.
  • Open: the evaluators know the identity of the authors and vice versa, being able to exchange with each other. This review will only be done if the authors give their approval.

The refereeing of the articles has two purposes: the first, to decide whether or not to publish the evaluated article; and the second, ensure that adequate scientific criticism is carried out. The authors must evaluate, in terms of recommendations, some opinions on the research results they present. To do this, there are reviewers with experience in different specialties and topics, who will determine both the validity of the ideas and results and their impact in the world of Educational Sciences.

After the article has been evaluated, the editor of the journal will send a communication to the authors regarding the acceptance of the article for publication in the journal.

The rejection opinions are final, leaving the author completely free to submit the work to the criteria of another publication.

Accepted works may require clarifications during the editing process, these being requested directly by the Editor.

 Specification of the process of evaluation of originals and Atenas edition

  1. Reception of the proposed original.
  2. Assessment, by the journal's editorial team, of the submission received regarding compliance with the rules for authors and adjustment to the topics in correspondence with our profile.
  3. Application of the anti-plagiarism software “Turnitin” to the content of the article to evaluate its authenticity. If the review in the previous step is favorable, the expert evaluators are chosen. Articles with a match level above 50% will be analyzed in depth. In the event that plagiarism is proven, the author(s) will be sanctioned for three years (minimum measure) without the possibility of publishing in the Atenas Journal.
  4. Evaluation of the original by the expert reviewers, who will report on the scientific suitability of the content. For the evaluation, relevance and timeliness will be taken into account, as well as the scientific nature/relevance for educational theory and/or practice.
  5. Reviewers complete an evaluation form and offer an evaluation category (Publish directly; Accepted for publication once the observations made have been satisfactorily addressed; and do not publish). If necessary, the evaluation model includes the opportunity to offer recommendations to the authors.
  6. Sending by the peer evaluators the result of the evaluation to the editor of the journal. If there is a contradiction in the opinions of the evaluators, the opinion of a third evaluator will be resorted to. In the event that the authors must correct the article, a deadline is set for delivery of the rectified original.
  7. The editor and director consider the evaluations received and make the final decision on the publication of the article. After making the determination about publication, the decision is communicated to the main author of the article.
  8. If an article is returned to the authors due to the need for amendments, it is checked that they have been carried out 100% satisfactorily. The editor reviews the article again in its entirety.
  9. The article approved for publication is subjected to style review by the editorial editors.
  10. The article goes to the layout and programming phase in html, obtaining a copy edited in Word, one in pdf and the html, which is sent to the author(s) for review and approval.
  11. The article is published with notification to all authors and readers who have registered in Athens. This is a very useful channel that provides feedback to the editorial work and quality management in each of the phases that make up the entire process.

Indications for revising an article

  1. The article cannot be simultaneously evaluated by any other publication.
  2. Unpublished nature of the article.
  3. Compliance with the formal criteria for writing and presenting the original as established by the standards for authors.
  4. Adjustment to any of the specific themes of the topic in the call.
  5. In evaluating the content, it is important:
    • Relevance and topicality
    • Scientific nature/relevance to educational theory and/or practice.

There are three categories of article evaluation:

  1. Publish directly;
  2. Accepted for publication once the observations made have been satisfactorily addressed; and,
  3. Do not publish.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.

Editor's decision

The sending of an email notification of a decision regarding the publication of the article is directed to the first author, in case there are several authors.

About the contents, their originality and the authors' criteria

The Editorial Board insists on the need for authors to comply with editorial standards and ethical standards in their submissions, referring in this particular to the authenticity of the works and results they propose for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the opinions, concepts and thesis that he defends. The journal is not responsible for what is stated by the authors. Likewise, it is specified that the Athens Editorial Board will make use of the right to withdraw an article from an edited issue if it considers it appropriate in a litigation situation.


Atenas retains the publication rights of the articles and allows their dissemination in institutional repositories, personal websites, databases, directories and international data systems. Atenas Journal has a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License.

The implications are the following:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the terms of the license.

Under the following terms:

Attribution – The author(s) must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the author(s) or their use is endorsed by the licensor.

Non-Commercial - The material may not be used for commercial purposes.

No Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the content of the article, you may not distribute the modified version.

Articles that have been published in Athens can be socialized by their authors on social networks and academic social networks, institutional repository of their university and public repositories, personal or institutional website, blog, etc. as long as they explicitly maintain the original reference to the Atenas Journal.

Section Policies

  1. Original articles

Kind of


Item Features

Qualification (WORDs)

Authors *









Original articles



Structured (200 words)


De 15 a 25

60 % or more from the last 5 years.



* They should not be more than 4. Declare the contribution of each one according to CREdiT taxonomy.

It constitutes the highest priority contribution for scientific publication in the Atenas Journal.

Structure and format: Its length will not exceed 15 pages, including bibliographic references and summaries. It will have the following order: (1) title and authors, (2) summary and keywords (in Spanish, English and Portuguese), (3) introduction, (4) methodology and methods, (5) results and discussion (6), conclusions (7), (although these can be included as the final paragraph of the discussion) and (8) bibliographic references.

Introduction: It should provide complete information about the research. Background that facilitates or conditions the study presented. Current events and importance of the topic. Conceptual foundations with the highest level of updating and diversity of approaches that characterize the state of the art. It must show a consistent and well-updated theoretical-referential base, through critical dialogue with cited and referenced sources. It should not contain tables or figures. It should include a last paragraph that clearly states the objective of the work.

Methodology and methods: The type of study and the scientific procedure applied to carry out the research must be specified. It is recommended to express theoretical adherence to certain works that serve as a reference in this particular. Describe the research methods, techniques and instruments applied, including those of a statistical nature. Expose the consistency or reliability of the methods and techniques applied. The context where the research was carried out, the duration period, the detailed description of its universe and the selection and type of sampling, the description of the criteria and the justification for the selection of the sample, as well as the criteria must be stated. inclusion, exclusion and elimination, if required. The method of data collection and the techniques used, both experimental - if it is a research of this type - and statistical, must also be explained. If necessary, it should also include the ethical aspects of the study.

Very important: Sufficient details must be provided for the research to be replicable based on this information.

Results and discussion: It should be written in the past tense, using the impersonal (predominance of was found). First, the results obtained must be described in correspondence with the method used. These data will be presented in the text with the complement of the use of tables and figures. It is not necessary to repeat all the data in the text, only the elements of interest that will later be discussed, although mention must be made of the corresponding number of the tables that are being described. It is important that the comments on the results are presented before placing tables, figures or images, saving a logical sequence of the text with them. (The particularities regarding the use of tables and graphs are subject to what is established in the instructions on the application of the APA standard, from Athens).

Authors must disclose their own positions on the topic. Stand out:

  • the meaning and practical application of the results;
  • considerations about a possible inconsistency of the methodology (limitations of the study) and the reasons why the results may be valid;
  • indicate how your results confirm or extend the findings of previous studies.
  • indications and guidelines for future research.

Present the possible weaknesses or shortcomings of the study carried out.

Conclusions: It is time to present the maximum level of generalization of the ideas about the results achieved, their scope and significance for educational theory and practice. They must be precise and as clear as possible. They will evaluate compliance with the proposed objective. Suggest other studies that should or could be performed. It is suggested to avoid the use of citations and references in this part.

Bibliographic references: The most up-to-date sources on the topic in question should be used; 60% or more of them must be located in the last 5 years, it is important that a substantial part of them be taken from journals or databases of the first level of science. The number of bibliographic citations used must be between 15 and 25. Atenas provides instructions to authors for the correct use of the APA standard in its 7th edition.

Reception of original research articles is preferred. As part of the journal's policy, essay writing is generally commissioned by the Editorial Committee.

  1. Essays

Kind of


Item Features

Qualification (WORDs)


Qualification (WORDs)


Qualification (WORDs)







(200 words)


De 15 a 25

60 % more from the last 5 years.



* They should not be more than 4. Declare the contribution of each one according to CREdiT taxonomy.

As already said, in general, Atenas Journal commissions the writing of this type of articles.

Structure and format: Its length will not exceed 15 pages, including bibliographic references and summaries. It will have the following order: (1) title and authors, (2) summary and keywords (in Spanish, English and Portuguese), (3) introduction, (4) Development, (5) conclusions, and (6), bibliographic references.

Introduction: It must provide complete information about the topic, its importance, timeliness and relevance for science or for a part of the scientific community.

Background that facilitates or conditions the study that is presented (Relevant studies that have been carried out in advance).

The objective pursued by the writing and socialization of the essay must be clear. It must highlight the thesis that will be supported in it.

Development: The arguments that support the central thesis (idea) of the essay must be presented. It is important to use your own and orderly reasoning, which allows you to support a certain statement (the objective) that should have been expressed in the introduction.

In this part it is important to cite the most relevant works or authors. The author(s) of an essay must show a deep mastery of a topic or problem in science, in this case, education.

It must bring up data, statistics, examples, comparisons in all cases updated on the basis of consultations from reliable sources, among other resources, that allow validating the personal arguments of the author(s) in relation to the thesis supported throughout. of the text

Conclusions: They must be precise and as clear as possible. The defended thesis and the main ideas that support it are reaffirmed, which must be brief in the same way that the introduction was written. Suggest studies that should or could be carried out.

Bibliographic references: The most up-to-date sources on the topic in question should be used; 60% or more of them must be located in the last 5 years, it is important that a substantial part of them be taken from journals or databases of the first level of science. The number of bibliographic citations used must be between 15 and 25. Atenas provides instructions to authors for the correct use of the APA standard in its 7th edition.

Author contribution:

The name of each author and the way in which she has contributed to the writing of the article will be written.

Conflict of interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Final recommendation to the authors of the trials:

There are different types of essays. However, Atenas insists that the argumentative sense prevail regarding a thesis, statement or idea that is presented. Argumentative writing is the act of arranging reasons and judgments based on facts, data and preceding information that allow us to draw conclusions and apply them to the case under discussion.

  1. Bibliographic reviews

Book reviews must include the bibliographic description of the work and an image of its cover. At the end you must include the name, the institution of origin and the ORCID registration of the person making the contribution. Reviews should not exceed two pages. For this section Athens offers two routes:

  • Reviews are received on a text of significance for the educational sciences. In this case, the review will be sent accompanied by the book in its digital or printed version.
  • Authors who wish to make book proposals to be reviewed can send them in digital format to the journal's email, or they can send the printed book to the Editorial Committee of Atenas Journal. In this case, a member of the Editorial Committee or an expert on the topic chosen by said Committee will write the review.
  1. Interviews

The Editorial Committee of the Atenas Journal favors the dissemination of results and positions of international experts in the field of Educational Sciences. It is evaluated that this effort contributes to the development and theoretical-methodological enrichment of these sciences and to the researchers who work in their disciplines.

To do this, personalities with transcendent results and works are selected and an interview is requested, while the topics that will be the subject of interest are agreed upon.

The interview is recorded on video and placed in public domains to promote the widest possible reach.

About the acceptance by Atenas Journal of preprint articles

We accept documents previously published on recognized preprint servers: SciELO Preprints, EdArXiv, PsyArXiv, SocArXiv, and others, which are considered by the editorial board. Authors must mention in their submission the availability of the document on any of these servers and its exact location.


The Information section of the sidebar provides a brief description of the journal, at various points, which is useful for: librarians, future authors and readers.

Declaration of ethics and good editorial practices

The Atenas Journal is a publication that results from the collective effort of authors, editors and expert reviewers, who work for the development of science in the field of education.

We reiterate that Athens assumes the policy of open access to science with increasing diffusion in the contemporary world.

For the editorial team

In this section, Atenas establishes the principles that govern editorial practices in accordance with ethics. The editorial team has studied successful practices recognized in different countries that can be references on the subject of scientific editorial work. In particular, we follow the guidelines established in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors offered by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Available in English: http://publicationethics.org/files/Ethical_guidelines_for_peer_reviewers_0.pdf

The supreme commitment of the Athens Editorial Board is governed by the following principles:

  1. Edit content with the highest quality, relevance and scientific rigor that is relevant to the international scientific community.
  2. Manage quality continuously and consolidate good practices, according to the known and systematized progress in the field of international scientific publishing.
  3. Demonstrate respect for the international scientific community, as well as honesty and objectivity in communications and decision making with repercussions for editors, expert reviewers, authors and readers.
  4. Work to sustainably increase visibility and impact. This purpose implies the conscious work of the editorial team to generate content in various access platforms (pdf, html, xml) and achieve its indexing in databases, repositories, indexes, libraries and evaluation platforms.
  5. Permanently update and modernize the editorial process and the dissemination and impact process in accordance with the technological developments available.

The work of the editorial team, the work of the expert reviewers and the authors of Atenas are conceived based on these principles:

To the Athens Editorial Board:

  • Provide, with sufficient time to review the original, to each expert reviewer, along with the article in question, an evaluation guide that facilitates their work (this guide is publicly accessible).
  • Suggest editors and reviewers are aware of and act in accordance with COPE guidelines.
  • Protect confidentiality in communication with reviewers. Do not disclose information about articles submitted for publication to persons other than authors, reviewers and editors. Care will be taken to ensure that anonymity preserves the transparency and objectivity of the process.
  • Ensure that there is no conflict of interest with the authors or with the use of the content received.
  • Ensure exact compliance with the time deadlines for each of the phases or steps of the journal's editorial process. Reviews of the originals should occur within a period of approximately 90 days. Decisions will be communicated to authors before that period.
  • The editorial team will guarantee, in all cases, that the opinions sent to the authors contain clear and solid arguments that support the editorial decision.
  • The results of the academic opinion process will be final in all cases.

For expert reviewers (Peer review)

It is a phase of editorial work of great significance and usefulness for maintaining the standards of quality requirements in the publication. The editorial team follows what is established in COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers, and shares it with its expert reviewers. Available in English: http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_0.pdf

  • The review process will be carried out with the maximum of objectivity in accordance with clear aspects established in the guide that the editorial team provides. The reviewers will precisely establish one of the possible categories of evaluation of the article and the argumentation of the aspects that appear as strength or weakness as relevant to formulate with the greatest scientific honesty. They must precisely explain their evaluation of the scientific rigor and the theoretical-conceptual validity of the bibliographic references used and the contribution they make.
  • The expert reviewers will deliver the complete guide with the necessary information as an evaluation opinion for the article in question. With this work they contribute to decision-making in a timely manner and with sufficient value judgments.
  • The expert reviewers will use the rational time or deadline to carry out the critical assessment of the assigned article and will deliver the complete guide within said period of time.
  • The evaluation of the assigned original is an act of total confidentiality. No information or assessment on the subject should be disclosed with the exception of the editor or director of Atenas.

For the authors

In the contemporary academic and scientific world, authorship of articles grants credit for a researcher's contributions to a given area of knowledge, but this comes with responsibilities. To be an author, a researcher must:

  • Guarantee that your article is not being simultaneously evaluated by another journal.
  • If there is more than one author, there are no conflicts of interest between them. Athens assumes that the first author has the authority to act on behalf of all co-authors, and expects the corresponding author to confirm this at the beginning of the publication process. Any discrepancies will be resolved following COPE guidelines.
  • Accept responsibility for all aspects that make up the content of your theoretical discourse and the methodological procedure used and disclosed.
  • Make substantial contributions to educational theory or practice in correspondence with the object of its analysis and the specific discipline in question.
  • Atenas supports transparency in authorship by incorporating the standard use of the ORCID ID in its publications.

Atenas stands for ethical behavior as a practice in the work of science, scientific editing and especially, in the writing of the originals that are postulated. Said behavior must achieve expression of rigor when citing another's text, giving credit, following in our case the citation in correspondence with the APA standard in its 7th edition. In this order, to facilitate the work of the authors, we have prepared instructions for the management of the aforementioned bibliographic regulations in its 7th edition, available on the journal's website.

It has already been noted that the editorial team checks, using professional software, for any possible manifestation of plagiarism in the received original before sending it to the experts for review.

Any of the following expressions are rejected:

  • Apply to Athens your own work already published, as if it were original. This is also understood and handled as duplicate posting.
  • Credit a text to the person who did not write it.
  • Copy a fragment of a text without crediting the author.
  • Take ownership or present someone else's idea as your own.
  • Change words in a text through paraphrasing, altering their original meaning.
  • Omit information from another source.

Authors who resort to plagiarism or any bad practice associated with it could be included in a blacklist for publications.

Applications that contain an alleged manifestation of plagiarism, in whole or in part, will be rejected.

If evidence of plagiarism is detected after publication of the article, the editorial team will follow COPE's retraction guidelines to consider retractions, corrections, or expressions of concern. In that case, the correction of the error or errors will be directed if it is proven that an author committed it; An error will be added if the editorial team discovers that it made a mistake; and a retraction if the article manifests difficulties that call into question the certainty of its content.

The Athens editorial team wants readers, reviewers and editors who detect any manifestation of plagiarism to contact the editor or director of the journal.

Digital preservation policy

Atenas has a strategy to guarantee the security and integrity of the information that is systematized in each new edition. To achieve this, the necessary elements of hardware, software and the assumption of good practices in the world of digital scientific publishing are harmoniously integrated.

Conceptually, Athens embraces what is supported in the final document of the International Conference “Preservation of Digital Information in the Information Society: Problems and Perspectives”, held in Moscow from October 3 to 5, 2011.

Based on the identification of risks manifested in vulnerabilities, malware attacks, power failures or management errors among other negative elements, we advocate the following actions:

  • Evaluation of the value of preservation.
  • Verification of the integrity of the materials.
  • Characterization of the content.
  • Sustainability assurance.
  • Verification of authenticity.
  • Access and entry assignment.
  • The addition of metadata about the preservation process.
  • Making backup copies of the entire database. (On more than one server and a copy on an external storage medium).
  • Open Journal Systems also supports the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a permanent and secure archive for the journal. CLOCKSS is based on the open source LOCKSS software that allows libraries to curate chosen web journals by regularly checking registered journal websites for recently published content and archiving it. Each file is constantly validated against other library caches, and if the content is detected to have been corrupted or lost, the other caches or the journal are used to restore it.
  • CLOCKSS stores and distributes journal content to participating libraries through the CLOCKSS page.
  • Atenas converts information to new formats to prevent disuse due to obsolescence.
  • Atenas stores information in formats that are widely used today and that correspond to the media or access and reading devices.


Metadata is the minimum information essential to identify a publication. These are very important in the digital environment, as they help improve the structure of the information, since they describe and catalog it, in addition to improving and facilitating its retrieval.


  • Article title. It is provided in Spanish, English and Portuguese following the regulations of not exceeding 15 words.
  • Full names and surnames. Name of the institution and country of origin. ORCID identifier of each author (it is not enough to have a registration; the author's complete data must also appear on the corresponding ORCID registration page and be accessible). Individual email (must be a functional email and reviewed periodically)
  • Descriptives:
    • It is insisted that for research originals the objective, methods, results and conclusions be specified. It must appear in Spanish, English and Portuguese (without exceeding 200 words).
    • They are specified to be 3 to 5 words separated by commas. They are written in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


Examples of keywords as a guide for authors:

It is recommended to use the descriptors established by the UNESCO Thesaurus, available at: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/es/tesauro-de-la-educaci%C3%B3n-unesco-oie

There are some words that are most frequently socialized in the articles: Education, inclusive education, continuing education, evaluation of the quality of education, methodology of educational research, methodology of science teaching, teaching methodology of Mathematics, methodology of teaching the humanities, school learning, direction of the learning process, teaching process, teaching-learning process, initial and continuous teacher training, teacher performance, evaluation of teacher performance, environmental education , health education, sexual education, artistic education, initial education, special education, scientific education, scientific culture, educational innovation, creativity, creativity education, education in values, pedagogy, critical pedagogy, educational technology, ICT-mediated education, interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, multiculturalism, complexity, community project, poverty, exclusion, school dropouts, school failure, educational success, human development, sustainable development.

Location: Bibliographic references. We offer a referencing suggestion in each article.

Documents to upload to the journal

  1. Main document
  2. Supplementary files:
  • Database in Excel and/or SPSS (in original articles and short communications) for the authors' consideration (If required)


The Atenas Journal, in accordance with the recommendations for the production, reporting, editing and publication of academic works in scientific journals, considers an “author” to be someone who meets all of the following conditions:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the scientific research/work; or the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data.
  2. Write/prepare the final report or critically review its content.
  3. Approval of the final version of the report that will be published.
  4. Be responsible for all aspects - scientific and ethical - of the work to ensure that questions related to the accuracy, objectivity, integrity and transparency of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Changes of authorship will not be accepted once the work has been uploaded to the journal platform, neither in order nor in number of authors or contribution.

The authors of works from the Atenas Journal in the original articles and essays section must define the contribution of authorship of the different authors of the work according to the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy).

CRediT includes 14 functions, which can be used to represent those typically performed by contributors to academic scientific production. The roles describe the specific contribution of each collaborator to academic production.

Each role is defined as follows:

  1. Conceptualization – Ideas; formulation or evolution of the general objectives and goals of the research.
  2. Data curation – Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), cleanse data, and maintain research data (including software code, where necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and subsequent reuse.
  3. Formal analysis – Application of statistical, mathematical, computational or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
  4. Acquisition of funds – Acquisition of financial support for the project leading to this publication.
  5. Research – Conducting an investigation and research process, specifically conducting experiments, or collecting data/evidence.
  6. Methodology – Development or design of the methodology; model creation.
  7. Project administration – Responsibility for management and coordination of the planning and execution of the research activity.
  8. Resources – Supply of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analysis tools.
  9. Software – Programming, software development; computer program design; implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms; Test existing code components.
  10. Supervision – Supervisory and leadership responsibility in the planning and execution of research activities, including external mentoring to the core team.
  11. Validation – Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the overall replicability/reproduction of the results/experiments and other research products.
  12. Visualization – Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically the visualization/presentation of data.
  13. Writing – original draft – Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the writing of the initial draft (including substantive translation).
  14. Writing – review and editing – Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or review – including pre- or post-publication stages.

The CreDiT taxonomy provides a way to encode contribution information within article XML files. It identifies the specific nature of an individual's contribution to the available research material. Its purpose is to provide transparency in contributions to published work by academics, to enable improved attribution, credit and accountability systems. The goal of this recommendation is to promote transparency of contribution information in article XML and ensure that contribution types are encoded in a machine-readable manner optimized for reuse.

The authorship roles will be identified in the order that appears below, including each author/s in the role/s that corresponds to them, and omitting the roles that do not apply in each case.


Author contribution

Author (full name): conceptualization, formal analysis, research.

Author (full name): methodology, software, …

Application of publication charges (Article Processing Charges, APC).


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Use of Artificial Intelligence

Recent advances in large language models (sophisticated Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms trained on instantly processing massive amounts of language data) have given rise to widely available writing tools, such as OpenAI's popular chatbot ChatGPT, that can analyze text and produce new content in response to user input. This technology has important and immediate implications for the academics who write articles and for the journals that publish them.

These language models have the ability to search and repackage information from their training data set into a wide variety of formats and styles that users can specify. They can be used to generate ideas and outlines for academic manuscripts, or even the full text of articles. Because contemporary AI tools can be remarkably well trained to imitate human speech and writing styles, their results can closely resemble those of a human author and can convey the impression of accuracy and authority, as well as an emotional connection.

Requirements to report the use of AI-assisted technologies for manuscripts submitted to Atenas Journal

To prepare these points, the following guiding documents have been taken into account:

UNESCO. (2021). Recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence. UNESCO. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000380455_eng

COPE Council. (2021). COPE Discussion Document: Artificial intelligence (AI) in decision making — English. https://doi.org/10.24318/9kvAgrnJ

The positions defended by:

Kaebnick, G.E., Magnus, D.C., Kao, A., Hosseini, M., Resnik, D., Dubljević, V., Rentmeester, C., Gordijn, B. & Cherry, M.J. (2023). Editors Statement on the Responsible Use of Generative AI Technologies in Scholarly Journal Publishing. Hastings Center Report 53 (5), 3-6. https://doi.org/10.1002/hast.1507

  • Generative AI tools should not be listed as authors on articles.
  • Authors should be transparent about their use of generative AI, and editors should have access to tools and strategies to ensure author transparency.
  • Authors must be able to affirm that there is no plagiarism in the article, including text and images produced by AI-assisted technologies, and must ensure proper attribution of all material, including full citations where appropriate.
  • Editors and reviewers should not rely solely on generative AI to review submitted articles.
  • Editors have the final responsibility for selecting reviewers and must exercise active oversight of that task.
  • The final responsibility for editing an article lies with the human authors and editors.